ID Check Required for Law Enforcement Products
Atlantic Tactical's commitment to the Law Enforcement and Public Safety communities necessitates that certain items only be sold to the proper Public Safety personnel.
Items that the Manufacturer, Government, or Atlantic Tactical deem restricted items, will require an ID Check system. You will be contacted if your order contains these items.
Please note there may be other restrictions based on State and Local Governments that prohibit the possession or use of products in your area. It is your duty to be aware of Local and State restrictions and can not hold Atlantic Tactical responsible for the misuse or possession of any product.
For additional details and information please call (800) 781-2677.
Law Enforcement Only Products
Items noted with 'Active duty or retired Law Enforcement ID required' are available for purchase by appropriate active or retired Law Enforcement personnel with approved credentials. Any purchasers of these products will be asked to provide identification prior to shipment.
Agency Only Products
Items noted with 'Agency purchase only' are available for purchase by appropriate agencies and require ORI#, FET, and Letter of Intent on agency letterhead.
Class 3 Stamp
Products designated with Class 3 Stamp require all purchasers provide their Class 3 Stamp authorizing the purchase of these items.
A Class III stamp from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) permits a qualified citizen to purchase Class III firearms restricted under the National Firearms Act (NFA). These firearms, which can't be transferred without the Class III stamp, include machine guns, silencers, short-barrel shotguns and short-barrel rifles, manufactured before May, 1986. Purchase of these weapons requires fulfilling a variety of ATF requirements for issuance of a Class III stamp and advance payment of a Class III tax of $200.00.